6. Catwoman #57
I really was very turned off by the cover, even though I know its a spoof. I wasn't really keen on the events of the past issue. But, this issue carried itself well and resolved the issue, but damn, this event from the last issue better not be a damn repeat storyline. If so, just move in with Bruce. Please. The fight was grand however. The end was fantastic.
Rating: 3/5
Catwoman # 57 - Another great issue from a creative team who deserve more recognition. The frankly fabulous Film Freak gets his comeuppance and for once the prospect of yet another botched mind-wipe sounds intriguing. Plus, Holly learns it’s a bad idea to pick up groceries in costume.
Catwoman 57
Not even counting Adam Hughes's wonderful cover (I don't read Lone Wolf and Cub, but there was no missing this take-off of it), this was a great issue. The cover was just the icing that holds it all together. Selina is one fierce momma, showing she's perfectly capable of taking care of her baby while beating on the bad guys. The police quest for Black Mask's killer, Catwoman, moves into the spotlight, with Holly getting nabbed while in her Catwoman costume. Pfeifer takes what could have been simply a predictable plot turn and makes it exciting. This is one comic that for me makes a month seem like a long time.
Catwoman #57
Posted by Rae_rae on 07/22 at 10:09 AM
Chicks in leather always rule.
So where were we last month? Ah yes. Selina has a baby, both Selina and Holly are being Catwoman, and Angle Man and Film Freak are holding Selina’s baby Helena hostage. They lure her into Helena’s room, the only room without anything that can be used as a weapon. Maybe it’s just me but I really enjoyed seeing Selina head butt and clock the goth kid Film Freak while rescuing baby Helena.
Meanwhile, back at the police station, officer Lenahan (who has developed an unhealthy obsession with Catwoman) discovers that there are two women wearing the Catwoman persona. Holly, being young and new to the superhero gig is a tad careless and the next thing she knows she’s cornered by Lenahan and his backup. She’s being arrested for the murder of Black Mask. Personally I would have given her a medal, but I do not think this guy’s running on a full tank of gas.
This story had the potential to become dark. The bad guys could have killed the baby. Selina could have killed Angle Man and Film Freak. Neither happened. Selina got Helena back and has called in Zatanna to work some magic on the two jerks so she won’t have to kill them. Pfeifer may not be ready to have Catwoman go the Wonder Woman route and snap a guy’s neck, but it has been set up that she could go that path if she has to. I really hope later in the seris she has to.
Writer: Will Pfeifer
Penciller: David Lopez
Inker: Alvaro Lopez
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Adam Hughes
Don't miss the frightful conclusion to "The Replacements!" Catwoman battles for the lives of Selina and baby Helena, Angle Man has murder on his mind, and Detective Lenahan finds the proof he needs to bring Catwoman down once and for all!
Okay, who had 4 in the “issues until baby is placed in mortal jeopardy” pool?
Catwoman #57 - DC
Poor Selena, or should I say Irene, can't catch a break. First the "Film Freak", I think that's his name, and Angleman, break into her apartment to steal baby Helena, but then "Film Freak" decides he's going to film the whole thing. So she has to save her baby, figure out what she's going to do about the knowledge and film these 2 are gathering, and what to do about these 2. Well being the industrious type, she gets Helena, take down the 2 clowns, but not without getting beat up on a little herself, but then has to figure out what to do about her "secret" identity. So she calls on Zatanna. Now while all of this is going on, Holly, the other Catwoman is out getting some crime fighting tips from Wildcat. But the real story is the police detective that is following her because he wants to arrest her for the murder of Black Mask. Which is where her story ends, being surrounded by police. Will Pfeifer and David Lopez are doing a fantastic job with this series. Good character developement. Good action sequences with a touch of human interest. And good flow to the stories. I didn't think we'd ever get to the point that I thought this book was as good as the Jim Balent run, but I think we're getting very close.
posted by comicinsight @ 3:12 PM 0 comments
Catwoman #57 by Will Pfeifer ,David López , and Alvaro Lopez. $2.99, DC .
The biggest problem I have with this issue is also why it’s a good issue. Ah ha - you don’t think I can explain that, do you? Well, Selina beats up Angle Man and the Film Freak and saves her baby, as we knew she would. Holly is arrested for the murder of Black Mask, even though she didn’t do it!!!!! I don’t mind that the Film Freak is beaten in such an idiotic and “James Bond villain not killing Bond when he has the chance” way, because it fits in with his character - of course he’d want to get one more classy shot - he’s the Film Freak, for crying out loud! But then we get to the end. What can Selina do? Bend and Edison know who she is, and they will come after her again. Oh dear. She calls Zatanna and tells her it’s mind-wiping time!
This is my big problem with the issue. Now that Meltzer has opened that can of worms, it appears that there is no bigger can to put them in. So therefore Selina calling Zatanna makes sense, especially because, as she puts it, Zatanna owes her one. I absolutely hate this plot contrivance, and wish that Wanda Maximoff would utter some magic words and we could go back to pre- Identity Crisis days, when we didn’t think about what happened when super-villains switched bodies with the Justice League. DC has reset their universe dozens of times in 20 years - what’s one more time? However, the reason I like this issue is because Pfeifer is willing to deal with the 800-pound elephant in the room, and from what I read about upcoming issues, this is going to be something that Selina has to deal with. So although I loathe the idea of Zatanna mind-wiping everyone in sight, at least Pfeifer is trying to work it into a story and (I hope) deal with the consequences. We’ll see how he deals with them, because that’s the key. Batman dealt with it by creating killer spy robots. Yeah, that wasn’t such a great idea, Bruce. I doubt if Selina will deal with it the same way.
So it’s an interesting ending to the story, because we get two plots for the future - Selina and her identity, and Holly and her arrest. Lots of possibilities there.
Catwoman #57 : And speaking of Shogun Assassin , this month's incredibly awesome Adam Hughes cover is the Lone Wolf and Cub homage that I've been wanting since I saw the solicitation for it. Seriously, the last thing the Internet needs is someone talking about how good Adam Hughes is, but man: That guy can do a cover like nobody's business. Inside, Will Pfeifer and David Lopez continue to bring us a solid, consistent book that I find myself enjoying more and more with each issue. The Film Freak's worked out great so far, with Pfeifer pulling off some great bits of characterization in this issue--because really, when The Angle Man tells you to stop being so hung up on your gimmick, it might be time to take a good hard look in the mirror.