Reviewer: Terry Verticchio terryvert@hotmail.com
Quick rating : Very good
Title: The Paperweight—Conclusion
Stealing from Lex Luthor can be hazardous to your health.
Writer: Will Pfeifer
Pencils: David Lopez
Inks: Alvaro Lopez
Colours: Jeromy Cox
Letters: Jared K. Fletcher
Cover: Adam Hughes
Editor: Nachie Castro
Publisher: DC Comics
Okay, Selina has the dingus, but now she’s come face to face with the owner himself, Lex Luthor. Or has she? It becomes quite apparent quite quickly that appearances are deceiving, but it also serves to make Selina’s situation all the more desperate. She’s fighting not just to escape but for her life now. For a moment even Selina’s thinks that it might be the end for her.
Now this is how you write an old-school thriller. Just a great roller coaster of a story that leaves you wondering how Selina is gonna get out of this one. And I have to add her interaction with a certain super hero indigenous to Metropolis is perhaps the moment of the week. She lays right into him and doesn’t waver for a second. Sweet.
I did have one moment of confusion in the very last panel. But I’m sure this has something to do with 52 or WWIII or whatever big event is going on at DC and since I don’t collect any of it I don’t know what’s going on. But it doesn’t matter. I won’t quibble over one panel.
The art was good. The style is the same, of course, but the flow was great in this issue. The action was clear and didn’t look flat. Nicely done.
Well this is a nice title that keep chugging along and dishing out some great stories in the old-school tradition, which is always to my liking.
Posted by john lewis in Reviews ,DC/Vertigo/Wildstorm
Title: Catwoman #65
Writer: Will Pfeifer
Artist: David Lopez
Publisher: DC
Reviewed by john lewis
What’s not to love about Catwoman ? Just the lack of the readers reading this book. Catwoman’s easily the best mainstream title out there right now despite the numbers being bad (How bad are they, Hawk? Go look them up yourself, you lazy bum!!!).
In this issue, Catwoman fights Lex Luth-bot and manages to steal the real Luthor’s paperweight for the Calculator so he can erase Holly Robinson’s name (Catwoman’s friend who’s also running around in the get-up) out of being behind Black Mask’s murder (who was killed by Cats).
Pfeifer and Lopez have crafted a good machine in Catwoman . Both literally and figuratively as the Lex Luthor robot is more chilling and scary than Luthor’s been in awhile and the story has time-traveling fun and a run-in with Superman. Also, Lopez’s art is perfect in this issue. You cannot find a better DC Universe title right now except you people need to go find it. Pronto.
Why are you still reading this? Well, I don’t care if the shop’s not open right now. Just break in and steal the issue. That’s what I would do and now I’m going to hang up. *click*
Catwoman #65 — Writer: Will Pfeifer; Penciller: David Lopez; Inker: Alvaro Lopez
Selina’s trapped in a vast storehouse underneath the Lexcorp building with a Lutherbot, which is just like a Doombot, right down to the demagogue and ego circuitry. OK fight, although the trick that lets her win is misstated in the script (it states that a time-travel device eventually bounces you back to “when you started,” but the trick depends on her showing back up later than that). DC needs better editors, apparently; that could have been fixed by tweaking one sentence. It’s a pleasant, quick read, but nothing to actually want to keep.
Catwoman Vs. Killer Robot Lex
Catwoman (Volume 3) #65
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez
One of the most underrated comics on the stands continues this issue. Selina is still in Metropolis trying to steal a snow globe from Luthor, only to end up fighting a Lex Luthor Robot. Pretty cool. Selina is a smart gals (even the robot eventually admits it) and that is why she gets out of this little pickle. Pfeifer effectively shows the reader that like Batman, Catwoman is both physicall and mentally intelligent. The scene with Superman was pretty kick ass too. The art was pretty good, nothing too excited nor horrible about it. It was art. The cliffhanger ending is kind of confusing. Was that Warp? Why does he want the snowglobe again? I don’t know if I am just forgetting something about a previous issue or if we are not supposed to know that yet. Anyway, this was a good issue.
S: Wil Pfiefer; A: David and Alvaro Lopez. (DC, $2.99)
Not much but action this time out, spiced with some funny dialogue and some smart Sci-fi time travel trappings, as CW tries to get out of Luthor's building with her pretty hide- and Luthor's snow globe- intact, so she can give it to the Calculator and get Junior CW Holly's name cleared. For my money, this has been one of the best superhero-type books on the stands for quite some time now. Sadly, the majority doesn't agree with me. If you're on the fence, perhaps you should consider going against the grain. A-
Catwoman #65 : I noticed this week that Catwoman isn't selling nearly as well as it should be, and with an issue like this one--which contains killer robots, explosions, time travel, and a heroine who smack-talks the cornerstone of the DC Universe just because she isn't in any mood to deal with him at the moment--I am utterly mystified as to why. I've been meaning to go back and pick up the issues before the jump for a while now, but ever since I hopped back on for "One Year Later," Will Pfeifer and David Lopez have done nothing but tell some phenomenally entertaining stories, and if you've missed them, check out the trade . You won't be disappointed.
CATWOMAN #65, $2.99, 32 Pages . Written by Will Pfeifer, Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez. It is amazing how well Pfeifer can write some characters. On this title, he keeps Catwoman very close to her roots, and finds a way to make a fresh and interesting story out of it. This title has been outstanding since he took it over, and it doesn't show any signs of diminishing yet. A good title to pick up for the first time any month.
Will Pfeifer (W)/David Lopez (A)
BEN: “The most fun issue in a while of what always proves a fun series. Sent to Lex Luthor’s old headquarters in Metropolis to steal a $5 snow globe for the Calculator in exchange for getting Holly’s criminal record cleared, Catwoman runs afoul of an obnoxiously egotistical and stupidly powerful robotic duplicate of Luthor. Hopelessly outmatched, Selina must rely on her wits—and a time machine that sends its user four minutes into the future for a few seconds—to escape the killer robot and its self-destruct mechanism. The real star of the battle is artist David Lopez, who presents masterstrokes like Selina visualizing how to take her opponent down…”
BEN: “And one heck of a close-up for Lex-Bot…”
Catwoman #65 by Will Pfeifer ,David López , and Alvaro López. $2.99, DC.
This is the third part of the Great Snowglobe Heist, but if you haven’t read an issue of Catwoman before, you could easily pick this up and understand what’s going on, and that’s pretty cool. At the end of last issue, Selina was confronted by Lex Luthor just as she procured the snowglobe, but in this issue, she quickly learns it’s a Luthor robot. So, basically, this entire issue is a cat-and-mouse game (forgive the pun) as Selina tries to escape a robot that is far more powerful than she is in a place that has no exit. Oh dear.
It’s a simple idea, but Pfeifer and López pull it off with ease. The art, as usual, is nice and clean, with a good sense of both the space in which the battle takes place and the “toybox” feel to Luthor’s underground lair. As the robot Luthor gradually loses its skin, he becomes more and more frightening. Pfeifer never lets us think that Selina is in any real danger, and the way she escapes is telegraphed early on, but it’s still kind of clever, and the way it all works out makes this a pleasant comic book to read. There’s still a sense of danger - Luthor muses that he might pay her daughter a visit, and the idea of Luthor the god is frankly, unpleasant - but the issue works more because we’re just wondering how Selina is going to survive long enough to figure out a way to escape. Pfeifer does a nice job with it.
Superman makes an obligatory cameo, and it goes as you might expect, and then Pfeifer easily leads us into the next storyline. Both he and Peter David on X-Factor (among others) have been doing a nice job with complete stories that don’t fit easily into trade paperback format, and it’s good to see that the craft of constructing a good solid short story in comics hasn’t been lost. This issue is fun to read, fun to look at, and requires very little prior knowledge (some is good, like who Holly is). It’s another example why Catwoman is such an entertaining book.
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