Catwoman had only just allied herself with Lex Luthor on Hellworld when she entered an alien lab and suddenly found herself back on Earth. But it’s an Earth where Batman carries a gun and he is quite upset that Selina killed Black Mask. Needless to say Selina soon realises this is not her home planet. But that doesn’t mean there is nothing on it that she finds enjoyable. Selina is somehow able to do things she was unable to do back home. She can do and be anything she wants. Which may just cost her everything.
This is a fun issue, as nothing is as it seems and the twist at the end is perfect. I continue to enjoy how smoothly Will Pfeifer writes this title. His control and the pace are all first rate.
The art remains at its consistent best, month in and month out.
Catwoman remains one of my favourite books simply by the fact that each month is just as good as the last. It’s just a really fun book.
I feel very sorry for Will Pfeifer. As if it's not bad enough that Catwoman is the poster-child for criminally under-appreciated books at DC, it seems that every few months bring about a new tie-in storyline that attempt to derail the ongoing saga of Selina Kyle. First it was Amazons Attack, and now it's the villain-centric Salvation Run. Luckily, Pfeifer is as crafty as his star character, and he's managed to weave around these obstacles with surprising ease. I can't say I'm precisely happy to see Selina plucked out normal adventures for what is ostensibly a cosmic story, but the end result could have been much, much worse.
Last issue's cliffhanger would have you believe Selina already made it back to Earth, but that wouldn't make for much of a storyarc. Selina quickly realizes the Gotham City around her may not be the same one she left behind. By all rights this story should be a disaster. I'm a firm believer that multiverses and dimension-hopping have no place in street-level crime books like Catwoman. Somehow it works, though. Pfeifer doesn't get too caught up and the how's and why's, concerning himself more with Catwoman's role in the strange Earth. By the end of the issue he presents a logical enough explanation for how she got there anyway. Let's just say there are strong echoes of a classic Alan Moore story in these pages.
As always, artist David Lopez deserves his fair share of credit for making each issue such a major success. Frankly, I think Catwoman looks better than any of the many Batman books on the market. Lopez even adds a few visual touches from Batman: The Animated Series to spice up his version of Gotham.
Every month Dan makes it clear you should be reading this series. This time it's my turn, and I can only hope I converted a few new readers. The book certainly deserves them.
8.3 (out of 10 / not an average)
After stepping into a mysterious machine in the depths of Salvations Run's hell planet, Selina finds herself with a gun held to her head. The man holding the gun says that it's time for her to pay for the murder of Black Mask. The man holding the gun? Batman.
But is it Bruce? After taking down the Bat, Selina unmasks her assailant to find an overweight and older Bruce. Selina is beginning to believe that perhaps she didn't go back to her Earth after all when she comes face to face with that world's Catwoman who shoots her point blank in the gut. It turns out that on this Earth, Selina is not only more powerful but also apparently bullet proof. After besting her doppelganger, Selina unmasks the other Catwoman (who is a mass murdering master criminal on this planet) to find her sister Maggie. Maggie confesses to murdering Black Mask in order to avenge the death of her sister Selina. Before she can fully assess the situation, Selina is contacted by Martian Manhunter who tells her that nothing is exactly as it seems. Before he can elaborate they are interrupted by police gunfire.
Meanwhile, Lex Luthor stands idly by watching Selina hover in suspended animation. The entire world Selina is living in is nothing more than a hallucination brought on by the hell planet's machine. Her vitals are slowing and she is going to die if Luthor can't find a way to get her out of the trance. But if she's dying - then why is she still smiling? Does Catwoman want to leave Salvation Run after all?
Selina briefly makes mention to the fact that Bruce had once told her about the existence of multiple worlds. She specifically cites the world (Earth-2) where she and Bruce marry and produce a child (Huntress).
Catwoman #76
Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Universe (Part 2)
Writer: Will Pfeifer
Art: David Lopez
We start the issue with Catwoman at gunpoint. Batman is on the other side. Catwoman figures that there is no way Batman would use a gun, and worse yet, he forgot to reload. No way that could be him right? She unmasks him, and it does look like Bruce. Some people surround Bruce, and he tells them to fire at Catwoman, which they did. Now, a Gotham City Blimp shoots at Catwoman, which she ducks and flies into a room, where she meets another Catwoman. We learn the new Catwoman is the most wanted criminal on the planet. She sends 2 large panthers after Selina, which she beats. Selina ends up with a gun to the new Selina's head, and tells her to answer some questions. We find out that the new Catwoman is Selina's sister, Maggie. They brawl some more. Selina gets shot, but it doesn't hurt her for some reason. The GCPD blimp shoots at her again, but again, she is like bulletproof. She figures that she might as well have fun with her newfound power.
This was a good issue. I am fairy new to the Catwoman title, but I really enjoy the character. In this issue, she somehow dominates everyone, and has superpowers or something. We are teased with the possibility that she might rule Gotham in the next issues. That is a pretty amazing thought, considering she does a lot of damage being crafty and all. Now she is bulletproof, and all the characters on this earth are retarded. I guess we will see where this story goes, but i enjoyed this issue.
Catwoman #76 Review by Joey Esposito
Writer - Will Pfeifer
Pencils - David Lopez
Inks - Alvaro Lopez
Colors - Jeromy Cox
Letters - Jared K. Fletcher
Cover - Adam Hughes
So first of all, right off the bat (no pun intended), let's just say that you need to be reading this book. While #76 isn't the best entry into Will Pfeifer's amazing run on Catwoman, the book certainly should not be going overlooked by anyone. Issue #76 picks up the "Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Universe" story arc that sees Selina shipped off by the Suicide Squad to the Hell Planet along with all the other super villains of the DC Universe (via Salvation Run). I must admit, when the cliffhanger ending of issue #74 came that suggested Selina Kyle's role in that concept, I was, at best, agitated. For 30+ issues now Pfeifer has kept us on the edge of our seats with creative stories and a different set of bad guys for Catwoman to square off with, effortlessly moving from witty dialogue to dramatic tension, to balls to the wall action. Not to mention, in DC's post-Infinite Crisis "One Year Later" jump, this book is the only one that gave readers something new, a new direction for the characters that lasted beyond that initial first "One Year Later" arc. From that point on Selina Kyle had kind of kept to herself and her own little world in the East End of Gotham, even while losing supporting character Holly Robinson to the epic tale that is Countdown to Final Crisis. Her own little world, at least, until she was swept up by the Suicide Squad.
What concerned me is that the book would start to falter from it's character-centric stories to something less personal. Instead, amongst all of the craziness of Salvation Run going on around her, Pfeifer is able to further Selina's personal demons, by trapping her inside what is essentially a world of her own creation. This device lets us see some of the glaring faults of our heroine, drawn with the usual tact of David Lopez, whose work is clearly defined by the lines of inker Alvaro Lopez. My favorite thing about these guys' work is their willingness to slow down the action to deliver those moments so familiar to us from action films: the hero is in the heat of battle when suddenly he or she notices something their opponent does not. The action stops, if only for our protagonist; beat. Our hero uses their enemy's ignorance to their advantage, and ends the battle quite abruptly. Pfeifer's story pacing and Lopez's panel structures capture this perfectly.
Unfortunately, though, the book isn't quite perfect. My one real complaint with the art on Catwoman (sometimes, anyway), is the backgrounds often lack distinction or detail. Lopez has a penchant for close-ups in panels that often render the background useless, and there is nothing but gray matter. Simply stated, often times the backgrounds are painfully stale. As for the writing, the Selina's inner monologue can sometimes serve as a "previously on..." segment which, for someone that's been reading this book as long as I have, gets annoying real fast. I think that it's ultimately better than a recap page, but for someone as talented as Pfeifer, I'd bet that he is able to find a way to throw in exposition without making it as obvious as "Ok, Selina. Let's sort this out.", followed by a list of what is essentially the last couple of issues.
Catwoman #76: 3.5 out of 5.
Catwoman #76
Review by 52878org:
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez & Alvaro Lopez
Cover by Adam Hughes
Size: 32 Pages
Price: $2.99
All I can say i this is was the Fear and Loathing in La Vegas book of the week. It was a trip. I enjoy this book a lot and I can't wait to see what going to be next for Catwoman in this run. It also had a " Special Sneak Preview " of Titans Together I did love the stuff with Nightwing but I am not sure if. I am going to pick it up just yet. Catwoman number 77 is my pick of the week.
Story: 5 - Excellent Art: 5 - Excellent
Catwoman 76: A great read, a fun read with Selina having Superman type powers on an alternate Earth. Like I said fun, but I see no real point to the issue.
Catwoman #76: Not the greatest issue of catwoman i ever read, but it has some interesting parts to it
Catwoman #76
W: Will Pfeifer
A: David Lopez
When we last left Catwoman, she was whisked away to that God-awful Salvation Run prison planet. After hanging out with some of DC’s craziest crazies, she jumps into some weird alien dingus and is beamed back to Earth. Or so she thought.
In this issue of Catwoman, Selina starts out staring down the barrel of a gun wielded by Batman. She’s sure this isn’t the real Batman–after all, Bruce would never, ever use a gun–and, when it turns out that he had forgotten to load the thing, she’s positive it’s not Bruce. That is until she unmasks him and discovers that it is Bruce, although noticeably older and more weathered. Things get weirder when Selina runs into another Catwoman, who turns out to be her sister Maggie.
Selina’s first reaction–and, to be honest, mine as well–is that she must be on one of the multiple parallel Earths that Bruce has told her about. Seems to fit, right? Alien dingus. Older, gun-toting Batman. Sister as Catwoman (oh, and Selina tortured and killed by Black Mask). Yep, sounds like a parallel Earth to me. The only hitch? Selina’s never actually left the prison planet. The alien dingus turns out to be some kind of weird holo-deck dealy that’s not only messing with her brain, but it’s killing her, too.
How do I feel about all of this? Personally, I’ve come down against the very concept of Salvation Run. I don’t think you should remove the most dangerous, and interesting, villains from the picture (think about it…you do that and you end up with Flash fighting weird octopus aliens…no one wins when that happens). I say you get Selina, and everyone else, back to Earth where they belong.
Catwoman #76: This kind of bailed out on the promise of the last issue, but not in any way that snuffs out hope for what looks to still be a really interesting arc, and far better than the main Salvation Run book. Consistent. And speaking of consistency, is it just me or are the Pfeifer/Lopez/Lopez/Cox team the most consistent monthly deliverers at DC? They’ve been running straight since OYL with, like, one guest colorist. As usual, a great and underrated comic.
Catwoman #76 - Catwoman is in a stasis field putting her into a world within her mind I guess. Martian Manhunter tries to warn her of things but is interrupted. There are some scenes wherein the reader is led to believe Selina is in a parallel world but, towards the end there’s a shot with Selina in “said” stasis field that lets you know whats really happened. Alright issue…I don’t know…the art is still the same level but, these last couple of issues I have felt like Pfeifer’s focus is elsewhere.
Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez
In the underbelly of the Hell Planet from SALVATION RUN, Catwoman will have to fight through her turbulent past, her nightmarish present and a doom-filled future. The only person who can save her is the last person she'd expect to see this far from home: the Batman!
Kirk Says: I'm going to sound like a broken record, but Catwoman is one of the best titles coming out of DC. Has been probably since Brubaker and Cooke first relaunched it. This editorial mandate for her inclusion in Salvation Run seemed to spell the end of this book on my pull list, but the first part was quite good. Far better than anything the four issues of SR has given us so far. However, I'm not sure how long anyone could keep up the quality when tied to that dead weight of a storyline, but hopefully this book makes it through in tact.
CATWOMAN #76: I knew it was coming, but that didn't help; I just don't like "Mirror. Mirror" type stories, they're pointless by and large and don't really matter in the overall scheme of things. I've griped enough about how I wish they'd leave Pfiefer to his own devices and keep Catwoman out of whatever multimega crossover event DC has going on at the time, so all I'll say is that this is well done and los compañeros Lopez deliver another satisfying art job, and let it go at that. B+
CATWOMAN #76 (Will Pfeiffer / David Lopez)
It takes Catwoman 17 pages to figure out she's on an alternate Earth-- after landing in a parallel Bat-city, kicking a gun-toting Batman's derrière, getting chased by Dini-esque police zeppelins and getting captured by a villainous second Catwoman. Honestly, after living through two Crises already, you'd think she would catch up faster. Even though the entire thought process is null and she's still stuck on a terribly thought-out and intrusive Salvation Run tie-in which actually succeeds in hurting sales by alienating the regular readers. Despite Lopez's stunning chase sequence, as far as alternate realities go (even fake ones) this is clearly a wash.
Catwoman #76 by Will Pfeifer (writer), David López (penciller), Álvaro López (inker), Jeromy Cox (colorist), and Jared K. Fletcher (letterer). $2.99, 22 pgs, FC, DC.
Yeah, I’m just going to SPOIL this, so there.
I want Salvation Run to end so badly that I don’t know if I can stand it. It’s completely off my radar for the most part, but it’s fucking up Catwoman, and it’s pissing me off. If Selina’s involvement in the crossover means better sales, I can live with it, but it better be over pretty damned soon, is all I can say.
Like last issue, Pfeifer does the best he can, but I don’t like this issue at all (well, the art’s good, but that goes without saying, doesn’t it?). Why? Well, last issue it appeared that Selina had gotten back to Gotham, and Batman was a bit pissed at her for killing Black Mask and all. I knew it wasn’t her Gotham, but I was willing to see where Pfeifer went with it. So for the main part of the issue, Selina tries to figure out what’s going on, and she concludes she’s on a different Earth - a not unreasonable assumption, given the state of affairs. J’onn J’onzz shows up and tries to explain her situation, but before he can, we see what he’s trying to say - Selina is still on the Salvation Run Planet, in some kind of stasis field that’s keeping her in suspended animation. Yes, the entire issue is a frickin’ dream. I’m grinding my teeth just thinking about it.
Now, it’s possible that something good can come out of this. I’m going to keep buying the book, because I know once the stupid crossover ends Selina will be back in her element, and Pfeifer has been knocking those issues out of the park. But a dream sequence? What the hell? Dream sequences are a dicey proposition to begin with, but unlike the latest issue of Batman, which had a lot of interesting touches to it, this doesn’t. Pfeifer is a good writer, but he’s not as good as the God of All Comics. This is a fairly straightforward dream sequence, and therefore, while we think it’s actually “happening,” it’s fine, but when it’s shown that it’s all happening in Selina’s mind, it becomes vexing. J’onn’s presence and the fact that he appears to be trying to get Selina to understand her situation is the only part that might save it, but next issue, Selina apparently takes over the world. That’s kind of boring.
Please, DC, let Pfeifer get Selina off that stupid planet. PLEASE! For the sake of one of your most interesting comics, it must be done! Send the stupid Justice League there (oh, wait a minute - what’s that comic down in the post a bit …?)!
Catwoman 76
Still a Salvation Run tie-in, but an intriguing one that seems to be taking place in Selina's mind? It's an intriguing place, where Selina's sister Maggie became the Catwoman.
Catwoman #76: This kind of bailed out on the promise of the last issue, but not in any way that snuffs out hope for what looks to still be a really interesting arc, and far better than the main Salvation Run book. Consistent. And speaking of consistency, is it just me or are the Pfeifer/Lopez/Lopez/Cox team the most consistent monthly deliverers at DC? They've been running straight since OYL with, like, one guest colorist. As usual, a great and underrated comic.
Catwoman #76 - Catwoman is still off of its schedule so it can tie into Salvation Run. So for this issue we see Selina trapped in some weird, nightmarish alternate world which turns out to be solely inside her head. There's some interesting stuff here, but the book is definitely killing time until Pfeifer gets to take the book back to Earth and get on with the story he was writing.
Catwoman #76 - Well it's an interesting idea and all, but first, I don't see why she has to be on the prison planet for it to happen. Second, I still don't see why an even more interesting story had to be interrupted. Third, not only does it not NEED to be on the prison planet, but I don't think it SHOULD be--I can't imagine what it could possibly contribute to the Salvation Run story. 6/10, just because this story's in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Catwoman 76
Written by Will Pfeifer
Pencils by David Lopez
This series I started reading because I kept seeing great reviews for it, even though it has been dragged through every DC crossover of the last two years. The writing is spot on for Catwoman and I really like Lopez's art. This issue sees Selina back on Earth after being sent to the Prison Planet with the other villains of the DCU in Salvation Run. It's a little confusing, like I missed an element but we see Catwoman taking on Batman. But it's not OUR Batman, and it's not OUR Earth. It looks like Selina did not make it home exactly and she takes out Batman and stumbles upon this Earth's Catwoman who is kind of a bad [censored]. It also looks like Selina has some new found powers because she is able to jump further then she remembers, and she takes a bullet from bad Catwoman and finds that she is bulletproof. Turns out she may not actually be off the Prison Planet yet, as we see Luthor talking about her being in some sort of a coma and dying. Looks like most of this fun action has been going on in Selina's head. Now that I remember the last issue, it looks like Selina is trapped by some machine on the Salvation Run planet. Can't wait to see where this goes. 8/10
Catwoman #76 (DC Comics, 2008): Selina is trapped in a parallel Earth. Or maybe this whole adventure is taking place inside her head. The art team of David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez turn out some very pretty action scenes, and writer Will Pfeifer makes a gallant effort at keeping the dialogue fresh and interesting, but the eyeroll-inducing nature of the scenario makes for an uphill battle. In the end, a bunch of stuff happens that is ultimately meaningless in the "real" story, no matter how good Selina looks doing it. [4.5 out of 10].
Strange, I'd just heard something recently about DC acknowledging parallel universes in their books, and then this hits. This is one of my favorite DC books right now, mostly because it seems completely unconnected from the rest of what's going on in DC-land. And, for some reason, I've always been a fan of Catwoman. Ah well.
Catwoman 76
I got onto this book via a blog that raved about it, a blog that is now inactive since she got engaged. This book is consistently excellent and this issue was no exception. Great artwork, great story, as usual.
CATWOMAN #76 - Haven't picked this up in years but I may do for the Salvation Run tie ins.
More Salvation Run crossover. Catwoman is either trapped in her own head or jumping through the Multiverse. Her own series appears to be in a holding pattern until Salvation Run is finished.
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